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Messages - cuevavirus

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Looks beautiful, works perfectly, however I have these weird white lines across the top of my PSTV when I use this. Any idea how to fix?

That's probably not a problem with this plugin. If you've eliminated other factors then take a picture and follow the link in the OP to make a bug report.

Is this the tearing you're talking about? It only occurs for me in Adrenaline's PSP menu and PSP games, not in PS1 or Vita games or the Vita menu. It's very noticeable in sharpscale's "real" mode, but it's still there in "integer" mode as well, albeit at the bottom of the screen. I've tried CruelTott's modified module as well, but the tearing is unaffected. Thank you for making flawless 1:1 Vita captures a reality cuevavirus. PSP is nearly there!

Yes that is exactly the problem. Happens to PSP games when bilinear filtering is turned off. Still don't know why.

Would it be possible to make a 1600x900 resolution mod? I'm playing with the 1080 mod and the slowdowns a bit too often in battles. Thanks.

Yes I can do that. I will also need to make an update to Sharpscale to allows arbitrary framebuffer sizes.

On 720p mode, it works okay but then the whole thing is zoomed in a little bit and it cuts off the edges of the screen.

If you are talking about a few lines cut off from the bottom, that is a consequence of the original 960x544 framebuffer resolution, which is a slightly different aspect ratio than 16:9. It's necessary to cut off a few lines to display the correct 3D image.

Hey i have an issue with the release, i installed it through autopluginii, now the vitatv doesnt work in any of my tvs, i try to boot without plugins (l1) but then no app wants to open, they get stuck , what do i do, nothing seems to work right now

Please install Sharpscale using the files attached to the OP. We're unable to provide support for problems related to Autoplugin.

I have a problem with my Vita TV output. After I have configurated sharpscale the 1080i option is disappared, and now my VitaTV can only output 480p and 720p.
I deactivated the plugin, but the 1080i option is still missing. What's happening here?

My goal is to set 1080i with integer scaling. I have 4K monitor.

Thanks in advance.

If the 1080i option is not available, your monitor may be sending incorrect EDID to the PSTV.

General / Re: DolceSDK - Playstation Vita homebrew SDK
« on: June 18, 2020, 03:49:12 AM »
Changes summary 2020-06-17

As of build-2020-06-17-235400, SceLibc is useable including memory allocation functions. Newlib remains the default but consider this a transitional period while we work towards removing newlib entirely. Follow these steps to use SceLibc:

1. Pass "-nostdlib" to gcc to remove default library links.
2. Link SceLibc_stub, as well as any other necessary libraries.
3. Define _start() instead of main(). These two functions do not share the same arguments.
4. Pass "-h <bytes>" to vita-create-elf specify the libc heap size. The default is 256 KiB if you do not pass this option. Set DOLCE_ELF_CREATE_FLAGS if you are using the CMake macros.
5. Pass "-fno-builtins" if you do not want gcc to use libc builtins.

This has been made possible with help from Graphene.


- Remove "-fshort-enums"


- Use "int" and "unsigned int" for "int32_t" and "uint32_t" instead of "long int" and "long unsigned int"


- Various packages added and rebuilt for Dolcesdk


- Added or updated headers for SceGxm, SceNotificationUtil, SceIncomingDialog, SceShellUtil, SceSas

PS Vita / [Release] LCD Colour Space Changer
« on: June 15, 2020, 04:55:39 PM »
Change the LCD colour space with one click and force colour space settings in PSPEmu applications. This program is only for PlayStation Vita 2000 models with LCD screens to toggle OLED emulation mode. Vita 1000 models already have OLED screens and do not have OLED emulation mode.



Install lcd-colour-crunch.vpk with VitaShell. To force colour space settings in PSPEmu applications, write the module file path in the *KERNEL section of your taiHEN config.

Code: [Select]


Open LCD Colour Crunch to toggle between original mode and OLED emulation mode. You can do so even when a game is open.

(image from reddit user girotin)

PS Vita / Re: [Release] Catherine Full Body HD 720p Patch
« on: June 13, 2020, 03:53:11 PM »
New version v1.1.0

- File name changed to catherinefbhd.suprx
- OSD indicating patch success or failure
- Scale title logos

Sharpscale version 1.5.0

- Texts in the configuration app has been changed for clarity
- Configuration app has a manual that can be opened from the LiveArea
- kernel plugin does not need to be updated

See OP for download.

This is a known problem of Psvshell with games that display larger than 960x544. You can do one of two things:

1. Disable the HD patch, set and save your overclock settings, then enable the HD patch again.
2. Use Lolicon which does not have this problem.

It's also indicated in this diagram from the FCC document

From the table in the SonicMastr' s post:

A is the devkit
D is the accessory box

Clearly the thing attached to the top of the devkit is the accessory box.

1080p is possible at 30Hz, but there are some issues that I haven't been able to resolve. For example, some games will run at half the speed it normally runs at.

This patch changes the 3D render and framebuffer resolutions of Persona 4 Golden on the Vita and PSTV to 1920x1080 or 1280x720. 1920x1080 can be output to HDMI, 1280x720 can be output to HDMI or USB (udcd-uvc), or Vita users can enjoy a supersampled image directly on the screen.



1. Install Persona 4 Golden and install the latest update, if available.
2. Install the latest version of Sharpscale and the configuration app.
3. Turn on "Unlock framebuffer size" in the Sharpscale configuration app.
4. Install p4goldenhd.suprx under the appropriate title ID in your taiHEN config.

PCSG00004 Japan
PCSG00563 Japan (reprint)
PCSE00120 North America
PCSB00245 Europe
PCSH00021 Asia

For example,

Code: [Select]

If you are experiencing problems:

1. Disable Vitagrafix for this game.
2. If the plugin is loaded, a message will appear in the top left corner when the game starts. If you do not see a message, then the plugin is not loaded. Verify your config file.


Overclocking is required for good performance. With 1920x1080, framerate ranges between 20-30 FPS, with 25-30 FPS in all but the most graphically intensive areas. With 1280x720, framerate is 30 FPS.


2020-06-10 v1.0.1

- Fixed a bug where pre-rendered videos are black when using the undub patch in 1920x1080 mode

Preview (open for full size)

Sharpscale version 1.4.0

- Allow enable HD framebuffer sizes on the Vita
- Add HD resolutions to scaling test
- Fixed crashes in config app
- Bilinear filtering reverts to system default whenever scaling is not applied

See OP for download.

Please see also the Persona 4 Golden HD patch and Catherine Full Body HD patch which can be now used on both Vitas and PSTVs.

I started music playback and started luftrausers and let the song finish, but I could restart it still in the music app. Not sure if it's the same as what you did but I haven't been able to reproduce this.

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