vita-quotes-db > end-user

Definitive proof that Samilop "Cimmerian" Iter is a gigga homo homo

(1/3) > >>

As you can see by the evidence placed here, Samilop Iter is a gigga homo homo:

He not only is cruising for autist pee pee, he wants to see girls die due to his hatred of the female form. He also then openly flirts with Nkekev.

Twitter may try to censor this fact, but I am for FUN and TRUTH!

I beg to differ, i thought he said hot dog just like the emojie he sent so that's why i asked him to dm me.

Also hating popular girl =/ all girls

Here's absolute irrefutable proof:

I did say that indeed. But as you can see, the channel is deleted so is the rule. So im not folliowing a rule that doesn't exist anymore. Therefore, im not homo

That channel was present when the Twitter incident happened (17 November is Twitter, 19 November is the proof) meaning the suspension was wrongful. Would you say the suspension was wrongful, bran muffins?


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