Author Topic: [UNOFFICIAL TUTORIAL] Compiling VitaQuake  (Read 8519 times)


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« on: April 27, 2020, 08:38:04 PM »
Compiling can be hard. I saw some people having problems compiling VitaQuake (both official and unofficial) (and possibly other works using VitaGL) so I decided to make this tutorial.

This guide assumes you have official unofficial VitaSDK installed and configured. If you do not know how to do that, you can visit the official unofficial vitasdk official site for an unofficially better official tutorial.

First you'll need to clone unofficial math-neon port for Vita:
Code: [Select]
git clone

Then you need to obtain VitaGL and VitaQuake sources. I will be using the unofficial modded ones by cuevavirus but you can also use the official sources by using the same command you used to obtain unofficial math-neon port for Vita, just change the repository name. If you want to use the unofficial modded ones, just extract them (VitaGL to a folder called VitaGL, VitaQuake to a folder called VitaQuake).

Then we need to build unofficial math-neon port for Vita:
Code: [Select]
cd math-neon
make install
This will build and install unofficial math-neon port for Vita. Compiling can take some time, please be patient.

Then you need to exit the directory using
Code: [Select]
cd ..
Then we need to build VitaGL. Be careful, this one needs some special attention!
Code: [Select]
cd VitaGL
make HAVE_SBRK=1 install
See that? We don't use "make install", we instead use a special command! Please be careful of that! I should also mention that the above command apply to both unofficial and official VitaGL sources.
Compiling can take some time, please be patient.

Then you need to exit the directory using
Code: [Select]
cd ..
Then we can build our VitaQuake. Official or unofficial? Does not matter! They both use the same command!
Code: [Select]
cd VitaQuake
Compiling can take some time, please be patient.

Hopefully, you will have VitaQuake built! Do you not know which one is the built file? It should be called VitaQuake.vpk.

Have a good compile!
« Last Edit: April 27, 2020, 09:50:20 PM by teakhanirons »