Author Topic: Definitive proof that Samilop "Cimmerian" Iter is a gigga homo homo  (Read 87690 times)

Offline dots_tb

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As you can see by the evidence placed here, Samilop Iter is a gigga homo homo:

He not only is cruising for autist pee pee, he wants to see girls die due to his hatred of the female form. He also then openly flirts with Nkekev.

Twitter may try to censor this fact, but I am for FUN and TRUTH!

Offline Cimmerian_Iter

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Re: Definitive proof that Samilop "Cimmerian" Iter is a gigga homo homo
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2020, 03:49:55 PM »
I beg to differ, i thought he said hot dog just like the emojie he sent so that's why i asked him to dm me.

Also hating popular girl =/ all girls


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Here's absolute irrefutable proof:

« Last Edit: May 16, 2020, 03:13:52 PM by teakhanirons »

Offline Cimmerian_Iter

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I did say that indeed. But as you can see, the channel is deleted so is the rule. So im not folliowing a rule that doesn't exist anymore. Therefore, im not homo


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That channel was present when the Twitter incident happened (17 November is Twitter, 19 November is the proof) meaning the suspension was wrongful. Would you say the suspension was wrongful, bran muffins?

« Last Edit: May 16, 2020, 03:45:59 PM by teakhanirons »

Offline Cimmerian_Iter

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Timeline doesn't matter. What matters is the present. He didn't made the post to say that at the time i was homo, he made the post stating a "general truth" which doesn't rely on the time and should be true anytime anyday.
It is not today  referring to the previous comment) so it doesn't matter. I stand correct

The screenshot? it's based on december. And you can't prove that the channel was still alive during december. so nope. I'm not homo
« Last Edit: May 16, 2020, 03:48:55 PM by Cimmerian_Iter »


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The screenshot was before the Twitter incident.

Also, here's another irrefutable proof:

This image here suggests the claims are invalidated when you have a specific role. If what matters is the present and if you have no role in the present on the CBPS Discord server, then you fit in the criteria and the claims are true.

Here's my third irrefutable proof:

Any sane person can see the solid evidence here.

Offline Cimmerian_Iter

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Wrong. When i said that it was because i had the gigga homo role. And that role still exist. But i don't have it anymore so that means im not homo anymore according to the rules

Second, "we will see who is gay" which imply that i intend to prove that the one with who im talking about is gay. And by him sucking my dick that would prove he is gay. That doesn't prove im homo. Quite the contrary, it proves how hard i defend myself about that stance


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From the man himself!

Offline Cimmerian_Iter

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So you bring back a 2 year ago evidence ? when im talking about present? that just shows that im not gay anymore since the rule was deleted

This is how you prove that someone is gay.
Straight evidence that leave no doubt possible and that is true today by the date of the pic that doesn't even have a week gap

EDIT : oh my how active you are and proud to say it
« Last Edit: May 16, 2020, 04:38:56 PM by Cimmerian_Iter »


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Re: Definitive proof that Samilop "Cimmerian" Iter is a gigga homo homo
« Reply #10 on: May 16, 2020, 04:40:47 PM »
That is besides the point of this thread and is obviously ironic.

You have been warned according to Global Rules number 7.

Offline Cimmerian_Iter

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Re: Definitive proof that Samilop "Cimmerian" Iter is a gigga homo homo
« Reply #11 on: May 16, 2020, 04:44:46 PM »
I don't see who you are to judge whenever this is ironic or this is not ironic. If i told you that what i wrote before was ironic you wouldn't take it into account.
So nope. Also how convenient to use rule 7 when this is just borderline but doesn't really fall off topic as i just show you how to prove that someone is gay which is the subject of this topic. Prove that someone is gay.

so nope again


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Re: Definitive proof that Samilop "Cimmerian" Iter is a gigga homo homo
« Reply #12 on: May 16, 2020, 04:46:51 PM »
The subject of this topic is "Definitive proof that Samilop "Cimmerian" Iter is a gigga homo homo". Please refrain from going off-topic a third time.

Offline Cimmerian_Iter

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Re: Definitive proof that Samilop "Cimmerian" Iter is a gigga homo homo
« Reply #13 on: May 16, 2020, 05:22:57 PM »
So now that you hide behind a rule that is easly not enforcable since like i said it is not offtopic as i was merely teaching you how to prove that someone is gay which is the main topic,
you admit that you lack concrete evidence?
You admit that you have lost?

Offline dots_tb

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Re: Definitive proof that Samilop "Cimmerian" Iter is a gigga homo homo
« Reply #14 on: May 16, 2020, 07:04:07 PM »
oh no no no sami bran muffins, THE GIGA GIGA HOMO, still has problems with his HOMOPHOBIA!

"date" and "dog" similar? sami doesn't know how the especially works!  ahhahahahahahaha

keep trying sami sweety we know you are the big (closet) gae!  this evidence is as concrete as the big PPs you suck!