Author Topic: CBPS Week Report [11/24/2019]  (Read 10371 times)

Offline dots_tb

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CBPS Week Report [11/24/2019]
« on: November 25, 2019, 09:51:56 AM »
Since there are multiple posts that are being made now, I will now try to summarize them the best I can.

volume_profile was updated by cuevavirus [11/21/2019],46.msg56.html#msg56

Volume_profile of course is the plugin that allows the speaker and headphones to have their own volume settings. It automatically switches between the two when the headphones are plugged in or unplugged. I find it kind of funny that with the plugins being released this month on CBPS, this one is getting minimal attention. Please help it out.

This update includes bug fixes such as fixes a boot time crash that was caused by a stack overflow due to size being battered by the OS. I did not ask about the headphone detection being fixed or recall how it was accomplished, but its a nice improvement.

UPDATE: I think the headphone detection has patched issues with LOLIcon since it no longer uses the input buffer. I am not sure how I didn't see this.

Definitive proof that Samilop "Cimmerian" Iter is a gigga homo homo by dots_tb[11/21/2019],47.0.html
Following my ban on twitter, I have found proof that Samilop Iter is a gigga homo homo. This is very important, I hope you take a look at this damning evidence. I will not back down on Samilop Iter and delete the post, you guys should already know this with how I handled my banning from VitaDB.

ShowInfo Lite by Yoti [11/23/2019],49.0.html

It seems Yoti has made a program to view information about games installed:
Simple plugin that shows title_id, stitle and app_ver of the running application.

This is quite helpful when you have many games installed and are trying to modify resources like with rePatch. Finding title ids can be quite troublesome, I usually always ended up googling them.

He has also posted some RE information pertaining to the creation of this plugin that maybe helpful to some in the future:,50.0.html

I was personally surprised by this release being CBPS forums. Thank you for your support Yoti!

reScreeny by dots_tb [11/24/2019],51.msg63.html

I also had a release this week. This plugin helps make finding screenshots a little easier by saving them to folders named after the game it was taken it. I personally always found it hard finding screenshots for those stupid teasers that people do on twitter. I used to sort it by date and transferred them one by one until I found the right one. Ironically, this might be hard to do without an updated libftpvita, as Unicode support may not enabled for some reason. This was fixed by cuevavirus.

Anyways, I'm going to start doing these weekend reports if it is warranted by many releases. I will try to get better.

I hope this was helpful and please subscribe to the RSS... I'm not going back to Twitter.

Please continue to have fun with CBPS.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2019, 06:22:39 PM by dots_tb »