When taihen was first released, it was requested by Yifan Lu to use the USB serial functions to facilitate logs. These serial functions were used by PSM and now have been made to redirect stdout to a usb serial device, which serves as a standard COM serial port.
Princess Silly Mini Log USB is Princess Log with net functions replaced with USB serial functions and was created at the request of Silica, Pina and SonicMastr. It has full compatibility with Vita Shell's USB Mass Storage device system.
Install:- Install PSM USB Serial Drivers. These were extracted from the PSM SDK. Get them here: http://psmreborn.com/devtools.php?type=psm-drivers
- Add PSMLogUSB.skprx to your config.txt and reboot.
- Open your favorite serial monitoring program and set the correct COM port. Set the baudrate to 57600.
PSMUSBLog will try to end any other USB service, except the the one used in VitaShell for Usb Mass Storage(UMS) mounting. So this will naturally create incompatibilities with plugins such as vita-udcd-uvc.
When using UMS, the serial will be interrupted, however will auto-start up after the UMS service has ended.
The serial device will also be disconnected on reboot and will only restart until the plugin is re-initialized (usually right when Taihen launches)
Serial Monitoring Programs:
You may use any serial monitor program. However, because of the constant reconnecting, I'd recommend kiTTY. <
This program allows easy auto reconnect (Connection > Attempt to reconnect on connection failure)
You may also want to enable newline mode: (Terminal > Implicit CR in every LF)
Finally, to find your COM number, look at the "Device Manager" in Windows. It will be under "Ports (COM & LPT)"
Why use PrincessLog over this:
If you are working with USB or are using a Linux dev enviroment (have not checked if Linux has drivers), you may still want to consider PrincessLog.
Download: https://github.com/CelesteBlue-dev/PSVita-RE-tools/tree/master/PSMLogUSB/buildSpecial thanks to:
Yifan Lu
Princess of Sleeping