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Topics - cuevavirus

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PS Vita / [Release] Catherine Full Body HD 1280x720 Patch
« on: May 06, 2020, 02:20:32 AM »
For the first time ever, we are able to run a retail game for the Playstation Vita/TV rendered at 1280x720. This patch changes the 3D render and framebuffer resolutions of Catherine Full Body on the Vita and PSTV to 1280x720. 1280x720 can be output to HDMI or USB (udcd-uvc), or Vita users can enjoy a supersampled image directly on the screen.


Video analysis by InquisitionImplied


1. Install Catherine Full Body and the latest patch 1.03
2. (optional) Install froidsan's English patch
3. Install the latest version of Sharpscale
4. Turn on "Unlock framebuffer size" in the sharpscale config app
5. Install catherinefbhd.suprx under PCSG01179

Code: [Select]

Performance summary:

Make sure you use LOLIcon or lolita444/500. PSVShell will crash if you open the menu while the game is open. Recommend "game def" profile in LOLIcon. Overclocking from 444 to 500 made no difference in performance.

Framerate ranges from 20-30fps with overclocking, with 25-30 in gameplay.

InquisitionImplied has made a detailed spreadsheet comparing performance at different rendering resolutions:

I want to thank InquisitionImplied for the excellent video and all the supportive people at CBPS.


2020-08-22 v1.2.0

- Fixed a crash when OSD is removed
- Updated OSD message

2020-06-13 v1.1.0

- File name changed to catherinefbhd.suprx
- OSD indicating patch success or failure
- Scale title logos

Preview images (open for full size)

I am proud to bring you the first Vita homebrew game capable of rendering at the highest possible resolution of 1920x1080.

vitaQuake runs smoothly at 60 FPS at 1920x1080 with overclocking. In addition, 1280x720 is possible if you prefer to use 720p HDMI mode for the PSTV, and 1440x1080 is also possible for a classic 4:3 Quake experience.

(click images for full size)


Hardware accelerated GPU rendering
Native 1920x1080 resolution
MSAA 2x and MSAA 4x support
Dual analogs support
Native IME for inputing commands/text
Sounds and Musics (CDTracks) support in OGG, MP3, WAV formats
Gyroscope and touchscreen support for camera movement
Custom arguments support and mods support
Support for both official missionpacks
Support for transparent surfaces (.alpha and .renderamt)
Increased Quake Engine limits (max vertices, max entities, max static entities, etc...)
LAN Multiplayer support (locale and online)
AdHoc Multiplayer support
ProQuake net protocol support
Savegames fully working
Support for colored lights with .lit files support
Support for Half-Life BSP
Supprt for BSP2 and 2BSP formats
Smooth animations thanks to interpolation techniques
Crosshair and custom crosshairs support
Mirrors support
Specular mode support
Fog support
Cel Shading support
Bilinear filtering support
Dynamic shadows support
Several different improvements in the renderer quality
Several different miscellaneous features (eg: transparent statusbar, benchmark feature, working gamma, etc...)
Map downloader support if you try to join an online server and you don't own the running map

- Left Analog / Digital Pad = Move player
- Right Analog = Move camera
- O / X = Jump
- R Trigger / Square = Shoot
- Triangle = Change Weapon
- L Trigger = Run
- Touch = Show game status
- Retrotouch = Move camera
- Select = Enable Danzeff Keyboard in Console Menu for commands insertion

Custom Crosshair:
Starting with vitaQuake v.4.0, it will be possible to use a completely custom crosshair with the game.
To do so, you should create a file named xhair.bin and place it in ux0:data/Quake/GAMEFOLDER folder (GAMEFOLDER will be id1 for main Quake for example).
This file must contains 64 bytes that will define the 8x8 crosshair glyph. A byte set at 0xFE will mean a visible pixel. A byte set at 0xFF will mean an invisible pixel.
The custom crosshair usage can be enabled in Options menu. If no xhair.bin is provided, when Custom crosshair will be set, QuakeWorld crosshair2 will be used.
You can also alter crosshair color by setting these three values in config.cfg:
crosshaircolor_r, crosshaircolor_g, crosshaircolor_b.
By default these three values are set at 255, 255, 0.

- Install the vpk
- Place the "Quake" folder in ux0:/data
- Install Sharpscale and turn on "Unlock framebuffer size" to use HD resolution rendering

How to use soundtrack:
- Create a folder in ux0:/data/Quake/id1 and call it cdtracks
- Place the audio tracks renamed as track001, track0002, ... in ogg or mp3 format in this folder.

You can find complete soundtrack in ogg format here:

How to have colored lights:
As of v.2.8, colored lights are available thanks to .lit lights support from DarkPlaces client by LordHavoc.
The simplest way to get colored lights in Quake is to download this package:
Grab LIGHTS.PAK file and place it in your vitaQuake installation (where pak0.pak is) and rename LIGHTS.PAK as if it's a normal pak (so if you have pak0 and pak1, rename it pak2.pak).
That package has colored lights support for the two official mission packs too.


Ch0wW, cuevavirus, icelaglace, xyzz, jakebriggs, Maëllig Desmottes, MasterFeizz, Nathan Rennie-Waldock, Rinnegatamante, rsn8887, tiduscrying, idSoftware

General / DolceSDK - Playstation Vita homebrew SDK
« on: April 07, 2020, 07:03:11 AM »
Development of DolceSDK has ended to focus on Vita Development Suite.

PS Vita / [Release] Sharpscale - native 960x544 HDMI output for PSTV
« on: April 02, 2020, 06:29:27 AM »
Sharpscale is a PSTV and PS Vita plugin that changes the framebuffer to display scaling method to provide a cleaner and sharper image.

This plugin is the only method to obtain native resolution video capture with accurate colours at 60fps. A hardware capture kit for the Vita was previously available from Japan for $450 USD, but due to changes in Japanese laws, this is no longer available.



Sharpscale can be configured to different scaling methods.

Scaling Modes:

- Original: system default
- Integer: integer scaling while fitting inside the display, for general use with bilinear filtering off
- Real: no scaling, for video capture
- Fitted: non integer scaling fitting exactly inside the display while preserving aspect ratio, for media use with bilinear filtering on, or PS1 with bilinear filtering off

PS1 aspect ratio:

- Pixel: aspect ratio of the framebuffer is retained
- 4∶3: aspect ratio is forced to 4∶3
- 16∶9: aspect ratio is forced to 16∶9

Scaling algorithm:

- Point: nearest neighbour
- Bilinear: bilinear interpolation (system default)

In Adrenaline, set graphics mode to original in Adrenaline settings.

Unlock framebuffer size:

- On: allow framebuffers of sizes 1280x720, 1440x1080, and 1920x1080 to be used
- Off: system default


Code: [Select]


Use the provided configuration app to change settings instantly without needing to close the foreground application or needing to reboot.

If the config app crashes on startup, follow these steps:

1. Use the plugin and config app attached to this post
2. Ensure that the plugin is loaded. It will be immediately noticeable on startup if it is loaded.
3. Disable plugins for the config app by adding the following line

Code: [Select]

before this line in the taihen config.txt

Code: [Select]

Preview video from Zodasaur:


2020-06-13 v1.5.0

- Texts in the configuration app has been changed for clarity
- Configuration app has a manual that can be opened from the LiveArea
- kernel plugin does not need to be updated

2020-06-09 v1.4.0

- Allow enable HD framebuffer sizes on the Vita
- Add HD resolutions to scaling test
- Fixed crashes in config app
- Bilinear filtering reverts to system default whenever scaling is not applied

2020-05-05 v1.3.0

- Added an option to enable large framebuffer sizes, when the application uses large framebuffers

2020-04-24 v1.2.0

- Added options for PS1 aspect ratio modes
- Added fitted scaling mode
- Added config application (ur0:/data/sharpscale/config.txt no longer needed)

2020-04-09 v1.1.1

- Fixed a bug where some PS1 games had black screen in 1080i
- Centred the framebuffer when cropping occurs
- Enabled "display area settings" in original mode

2020-04-06 v1.1.0

- All framebuffer sizes are now supported and there are now two configurable options, scaling mode, and bilinear filtering. Configuration is provided by a text file at ur0:/data/sharpscale/config.txt.

PS Vita / [Release] PSOneScrot - take proper PS1 screenshots
« on: March 25, 2020, 10:00:24 PM »
The usual way of taking a screenshot with PS+Start does not work for PS1 games. We have created PSOneScrot (PS1 Screenshot) to fulfill this feature which has been sorely lacking.


How to use:

1. Open settings in the quick menu
2. Open official settings if using adrenaline
3. Select screenshot

Video instructions:

Bilinear filtering:

This option will affect the resulting screenshot and is the only graphical option that affects the screenshot.

This option is normally hidden on the PSTV but will be enabled with this plugin. Bilinear filtering has no effect on the HDMI image output.


Install under *KERNEL for example

Code: [Select]

Disable screen auto-dimming but retain auto-suspend on the Playstation Vita.



Write the file path in the *KERNEL section of your taiHEN config.

Code: [Select]


Requested by: Robsdedude
Testing: Freeflow, SonicMastr, froid_san, Robsdedude

Brought to you by RIKKA project.

PS Vita / [Release] Quietshot - silencer for shutter sound
« on: March 15, 2020, 02:02:02 AM »
By request of Phenomenal_Flea, Rikka Project brings you Quietshot.

Quietshot silences the shutter sound when taking a screenshot, photo, video, or panoramic photo, allowing you to discreetly take screenshots of your ecchi game, pantyshots, panty videos, or panoramic panty and thigh shots.



Supported firmware versions:

- Retail 3.60-3.73

Install under *main of your taiHEN config to silence the shutter sound when taking a screenshot, photo, or video.

Code: [Select]

Install under *NPXS10095 to silence the shutter sound when taking a panoramic photo.

Code: [Select]

Savedata region conversion

This is useful if you started on the US version but want to use piapro or if you just became a bigger weeb since the time you started playing. This process won't transfer your network profile nor the edit data. Trophies are shared so there are no problems there. If you started on the EU or AS versions they probably can be converted in a similar process, but the offset might be different.

1. Take your savedata at for example ux0:user/00/savedata/PCSE00434/MAIN00/SECURE.BIN
2. Decrypt with vitashell or psvpfsparser
3. Remove 0x370 bytes starting at offset 0x2EDF0
4. Launch the JP version and create a save in the slot you want to put the converted savadata to
5. Put in the converted savedata with open decrypted in vitashell at for example ux0:user/00/savedata/PCSG00205/MAIN00/SECURE.BIN

Don't know what's suppose to go in those 0x370 bytes but I looked at a few different saves and it's all zeros with a large range of zeros that precedes it. Included below is a python script to do the trimming automatically.

DLC region conversion

Now you may want to do this because NPS does not have all the DLCs for the JP version. Simply decrypt the US version DLCs with psvpfsparser and install with repatch. Make sure you remove sce_sys. PVs won't work but the only missing PVs are the AR PVs.

Code: [Select]
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import argparse
import pathlib
import sys

def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Convert savedata for PS Vita Hatsune Miku Project Diva f 2nd from US to JP')
args = parser.parse_args()

path = pathlib.Path(args.SAVEDATA)
if not path.exists():
print(f'{path} does not exist')
if not path.is_file():
print(f'{path} is not a file')
if path.stat().st_size != 0x343C0:
print(f'{path} has the wrong size')

dest_path = path.parent / f'{}_jp'
if dest_path.exists():
print(f'{dest_path} already exists')

savedata = path.read_bytes()
for i in range(0x2EDF0, 0x2F160):
if savedata[i] != 0:
print('Found non-zero in extraneous range')

dest_path.write_bytes(savedata[:0x2EDF0] + savedata[0x2F160:])
print(f'Converted to {dest_path}')

if __name__ == '__main__':

Reverse Engineering / Dumping addcont IDs
« on: February 08, 2020, 04:30:15 PM »
Logs calls to sceAppMgrDrmOpen to stdout or file. To capture stdout, use PrincessLog or PSMLogUSB found here. File log is recorded at ux0:/aciddumper.log.

This can be helpful for creating fake DLCs.

This only works when the game calls sceAppMgrDrmOpen which requires one of the parameters to be the addcont ID. If the game calls sceIoDopen on addcont0: then sceIoDread to check for available addcont, then the IDs cannot be acquired.


Quick Menu Plus merges Quick Power, Quick Volume, and Rapidmenu, as well as adding new features.

    Power off, restart, and standby buttons
    Configurable power buttons
    Volume slidebar
    Faster Quick Menu open time
    Custom background styles



Supported firmware versions:

    Retail 3.60-3.73
    Testkit 3.60, 3.65
    Devkit 3.60

Install under *main of your taiHEN config.

Code: [Select]


Put files in the directory ur0:/data/quickmenuplus to configure Quick Menu Plus.

pushtime.txt sets the Quick Menu PS button push time. Put in the file the desired push time in microseconds. For example, put 250000 for 250 milliseconds. If the file does not exist, the default time is 500 milliseconds.

standbyisrestart.txt sets the standby button to function as a restart button. Put in the file 1 to enable, or 0 to disable. If the file does not exist, the default is enabled on the Vita, and disabled on the PSTV. When this setting is disabled, hold the "Power Off・Restart" button to restart, and press to power off.

bgstyle.txt sets the background style. Put in the file 0 for original, 1 for translucent, and 2 for black. If the file does not exist, the default is translucent. Black can reduce power consumption for OLED screens. The gradient effect is removed in all styles.


Princess-of-Sleeping: Tip for SceShellUtil, ScePaf

Reverse Engineering / SceShell differences by firmware
« on: January 17, 2020, 06:50:39 AM »
To help you know when you have to check for different offsets.

PS Vita / [Release] Quick Volume - change volume from the quick menu
« on: January 12, 2020, 07:26:28 AM »
This plugin has been merged into Quick Menu Plus.,78.0.html

Music Premium

PlayStation Vita plugin to enable background music play for any game or application.



- Enable background music play globally with one line of config
- Fully compatible with every game and app including Adrenaline and RetroArch
- Music playback with VitaShell and ElevenMPV with the screen off


Supported firmware versions:

- Retail 3.60-3.73

Install under *KERNEL of your taiHEN config.

Code: [Select]


GrapheneCt for original idea.



- Reduced memory usage from toolchain improvements
- Internal improvements


- Fixed a bug in opcode decoder


- Allow music play with the screen off when music is played with Vitashell or ElevenMPV


- Improved workaround for Adrenaline bug


- Restore game audio in Pspemu


- Fixed crash bugs

PS Vita / [Release] Monaural - Mono audio and channel balance plugin
« on: December 19, 2019, 03:29:19 AM »
Mono audio and channel balance for PlayStation Vita.



Supported firmware versions: 3.60-3.73

Install under *KERNEL of your taiHEN config.

Code: [Select]

By default mono audio is on and channel balance is even. Install MonauralConfig.vpk to change settings and test sound.


Are you tired of your LOLIcon misbehaving and crashing your apps?
Are you tired of restarting your Vita to disable and enable your LOLIcon?

This is the app for you. Start and stop LOLIcon without rebooting your Vita.

Download here

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