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Messages - tiredofgamesandall

Pages: [1]
Hi! I'm maing this tutorial for those who've had the same problem as me and couldn't find a fix anywhere.

I finally got Catherine Full Body v.1.03 to work in my PS Vita

Henkaku 3.65 (Spoofed: 3.73)

1. Install PKGj latest version (Newest Ver. 0.55)

2. Install Vita Auto plugin II

3. Look for
"reF00D by FAPS Team v1.0"
plugin in Vita Auto Plugin II

4. Open PKGj and Download (press △ and all region except JPN)
"Catherine: Full Body (3.61+!) [3.69]"
using PKGj it comes with the v.1.03 update.

5. After downloading the full game and the update, just run iit and it should work without any error.

Important Note:
Make sure that
reF00D.skprx comes AFTER nonpdrm.skprx in config.txt (ux0:/tai/config.txt OR ur0:/tai/config.txt)

That's all, now on to PATCHING it to ENG 1.0...

Pages: [1]