I have released a tool called "default-psn-avatar" awhile back originally just to get the.. default avatar but it has evolved alot since then:
it allows you to do the following:
1) Set avatar back to the default (duh)
2) Remove / Change "Real Name" entry (unrestricted input unlike PS4 or Web)
3) Change PSN Profile colour to ANY 32bit RGB color.
4) Remove Address Information from PSN
Fun stuff:
- If you set ONLY a first name, with no last name ("") then the ps4 profile viewer app will crash upon loading your profile ;P
- If you set your first and last name to a blank space it will appear invisible!
- If you set ONLY your first name to have a bunch of trailing spaces and a single space for last eg: F:" Silica" M:"" L:" "
due to a rendering bug in the PS4, your name will appear to "move" when its selected in Party Chat.
- Setting an all white background as your cover image and making your profile color all white (#FFFFFF)
makes the page basically unreadable on PS4.
Download it here:
https://bitbucket.org/SilicaAndPina/default-psn-avatar/downloads/Thanks and Blessed Be~