Console General > iQue Switch

Tutorial: Region Unlock iQue Switch

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--- Quote from: CarlTrek on July 21, 2020, 03:54:21 AM ---
* Decrypt NAND2 with the key picked, modify its Prodinfo and those saves.
--- End quote ---

Now the only problem is how to modify: I don't know which bit is responsible for this, nor the way to fix the CMAC verification manually (I assume there's more verification)
Not enough information at switchbrew or else homebrews, no one bother to write system save games yet.

Only thing I can confirm now is, the bit exists in saves for system setting (8xx50~8xx54). I don't have time to further inspect it.[/list]


--- Quote ---I don't know which bit is responsible for this, nor the way to fix the CMAC verification manually
--- End quote ---
Probably no need since NxNandMgr could get it done on itself. You won't have any problem modifing PRODINFO or any partition and injecting it back.
Also, NAND2 hasn't been booted yet at this step. You don't need to even edit the save precisely , just by removing/modding those saves to what it should be like in an international Switch and then it should notice no problem.  There are no things like security processor or hypervisior in Switch, so besides NAND there is nowhere for it to hide information.


--- Quote from: CarlTrek on July 21, 2020, 11:02:28 AM ---Probably no need since NxNandMgr could get it done on itself. You won't have any problem modifing PRODINFO or any partition and injecting it back.

--- End quote ---

I was mentioning the savegames. Prodinfo validation is relatively simple. As I say deleting (writing zeroes) is unknown to be safe, and I can't just port other console save because the validation is console specific.


--- Quote ---I can't just port other console save because the validation is console specific.
--- End quote ---

So, even international models also got those savefiles ?


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