Console Hacking > Reverse Engineering

SceNotificationUtil - full libraries header + BGDL-type notification PoC


SceNotificationUtil is sysmodule that allows applications to send notifications, simple-type and progress-type(BGDL).

Full libraries header here:

PoC BGDL-type notification here:

Some notes:

1. Most of the text buffers can be intentionally overflown to allow for more text.
2. Since SceNotificationUtil is just a wrapper for SceShellSvc, it is highly possible that reimplementing some of it's functions will allow for more customization (such as enabling "Pause" button for BGDL-type and custom icons).
3. If you are using notifications with app that uses vita2d or vita2d_sys, notification functions must be called from separate dedicated thread, otherwise SceShellSvc will get stuck in internal loop for unknown reasons.


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