Console Hacking > PS Vita

[Release] noASLR


Princess of Sleeping:
A plugin to disable the PSVita Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR)


* Add noaslr.skprx to your config.txt and reboot.
* Most modules map to a fixed address, making development easier
* enjoy
download :


All modules loaded after noASLR will be loaded without ASLR.

If not using Enso, everything except shared modules will be loaded without ASLR

The OS allocated extra memory for ASLR, so using noASLR allows the developer to use more memory.

Princess of Sleeping:
extra note

Modules loaded by nskbl will have ASLR set by sceKernelAllocMemBlock

So 1.692 and 1.80 nskbl's sceKernelAllocMemBlock should be obviously different implementations


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